Reflective Questions
At the clinic level, important elements for domestic violence and response are team work, clear roles and support processes.
At the health system level, support for the work requires strong leadership, resourcing and provision of infrastructure.
Ask yourself
Does everybody in the team have a shared understanding of the nature and dynamics of domestic violence?
Does the team talk about this issue on a regular basis?
Are the roles for screening and response within the clinic clear and defined?
Is there support from my organisation to do the work?
Is somebody within the clinic team/clinic overall/hospital responsible for leading the screening and response program?
Is there adequate funding for
• initial and ongoing training?
• clinical champions?
• referrals?
Are physical spaces and intake procedures welcoming, comfortable, safe and private?
Is the electronic system for recording private and safe?
Is there sufficient time allocated for antenatal visits?
Is there access to specialist services outside the health setting if needed?