MARAM and Information Sharing (Victoria)


The Safer Families Centre was funded by the Victorian Government to deliver training to General Practice and Community Health on how to operate under the Victorian Government's information sharing schemes when in contact with people experiencing or using family violence.

This includes the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) which are underpinned by the Multi Agency Risk assessment and Management Framework (MARAM). 


E-learning module

Supporting Primary Care to Implement Family Violence Information Sharing

Enrol now into our 90 minute online learning module on information sharing schemes and introduction to MARAM.

RACGP guidelines
(The White Book)

Implementing Victorian information sharing schemes in primary care

Supplementary chapter of The White Book for primary care providers in Victoria.

APNA Program
(education sessions)


Improving Child Safety and Wellbeing and Family Violence Outcomes Project

APNA is working with the Victorian Department of Education and Training to improve child safety and wellbeing and family violence outcomes.


RACGP Program
(training and resources)

RACGP Family Violence GP Education Program

Safer Families Centre is working with RACGP Victoria Faculty to ensure our training and resources complement each other.

Victorian Government
(elder abuse course)


MARAM Identification of family violence against older people

eLearn course aiming to assist practitioners with MARAM and Information Sharing in their everyday work with older people. (Sign up and select Families Fairness & Housing Workforces)