Pathways to Safety GP and FV Facilitator roles
GP Facilitator - Domestic and Family Violence Education, Pathways to Safety
Are you a GP or primary care nurse interested in facilitating a better response to family violence?
The Safer Families team at the University of Melbourne is seeking casual employment of GPs and primary care nurses to join the team as a Co-Facilitator to deliver domestic and family violence training (Pathways to Safety) to other GPs and other primary care providers in your catchment.
We have fully funded spots available for interested and eligible GPs or primary care nurses (PCNs) to undertake our online Train the Trainer Workshop. GPs and PCNs are remunerated for their time at our training workshop and can continue to receive remuneration for any of our training you are involved in.
For more information about this role please download our GP FACILITATOR FLYER. You can discuss the role further by contacting our Safer Families Project Officer Kitty Novy at or by completing the EOI form below. A Safer Families team member will respond within 3- 5 business days to discuss your interest.
The Readiness Program is a practical and accessible free national training program for primary health care providers to more confidently and effectively recognise, respond, refer and record disclosures of domestic and family violence using a trauma and violence informed approach.
Expression of Interest
N.B. If you are a FV worker, you do not need to complete an EOI. Simply contact Kitty for more information
FV Worker - Domestic and Family Violence Education, Pathways to Safety
Are you a Family Violence Worker interested in improving the capacity of primary care to respond to domestic and family violence?
The Safer Families Centre is seeking FV Workers from anywhere in Australia to join our Safer Families team to help co-deliver a domestic and family violence practice-centred training program in primary care settings.
Employment by The University of Melbourne is available for FV Workers to become training facilitators to co-deliver the education with a GP Facilitator to primary care staff in General Practices, Community Health Services and Aboriginal Medical Services. Facilitators build capacity and advance the way services address domestic and family violence. You will support and mentor clinical and non-clinical staff to further develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in identification and response to domestic and family violence. All training and materials are provided.
For more information about this role please download our FV FLYER
If you are a FV Worker interested in a training role for this program please contact Kitty for more information