Expression of Interest


Safer Families International Visiting Scholar Program

Any Safer Families Centre scholar member can apply for an individual scholarship to support travel costs for a short-term placement overseas, hosted by a leading international researcher, to undertake study that relates to the work of the Safer Families Centre.

Safer Families scholars can apply for a scholarship by completing the following Expression of Interest (EOI) form and submitting it to the International Scholar Committee by 1st May 2019. Applicants must ensure they read the Visiting Scholar Program Overview (see Related Resources) before expressing interest.

Submit your details

Next steps

  1. Your EOI form will be submitted to and reviewed by the International Scholar Committee.

  2. The committee will approve eligible scholars and match them to available hosts.

  3. Once approved by the committee, each proposed allocation is communicated to and discussed with host and scholar individually before confirmation made.

  4. A teleconference is then set up for the host and scholar to discuss and clarify arrangements and expectations.

  5. Each approved scholar must develop a Visiting Scholarly Program Plan which must identify how Expected Outcomes will be met.

  6. Scholars not approved are notified by email and are still eligible to apply the following year.

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Related Resources

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Frequently asked Questions

When will scholarships be available?

Safer Families will offer a limited number of scholarships each year for 3 years (2019 to 2021) to approved scholars.

How much funding is attached to each scholarship?

$2,000 - $8,000 depending on the location and the length of study time granted. The funding is designed to cover travel and accommodation only.

How long does the placement go for?

Scholarships are designed to support a placement of 4-8 weeks however shorter term placements of 2-3 weeks are also available. Additional time spent overseas is at the expense of the scholar, and the host is not obliged to spend any more than the agreed time as per the approved placement.

In which countries are the secondments available?

Opportunities to be hosted by a Centre Investigator will be available in either the UK, Canada, Switzerland (WHO), New Zealand or Australia.

Are there other types of study scholarships available?

Scholarships to support study visits with the following type of host is also under consideration, subject to funding:

  • Interstate within Australia

  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

  • Supported workshops in a set location with scholars from around the world