Reflective Questions
At the clinic level, learning involves ongoing reflection, training and establishing feedback loops.
At the health system level, learning should be supported by accountability, informed improvements and system reflection for change.
Ask yourself…
Do we reflect as a team or clinic how we are addressing DV?
How and with whom will I review to see if what we are doing is creating safety for her and her children?
Are all members of the team trained initially and recurrently?
Is there a mechanism for new staff requiring training?
Does training involve simulation of cases to enable practice?
Does the clinic receive screening and response data?
How does the organisation monitor DV practice to achieve effective outcomes?
Are data fed back to staff?
Are the voices of diverse women captured to inform improvements?
How can we do better?
Is feedback to staff and managers from audits delivered flexibly?
(Peers or managers, oral or verbal, on multiple occasions)
Are specific targets set for what needs to be changed?