The Better Man Project
The Better Man Project is now closed.
Better Man was a randomised controlled trial of a healthy relationship website developed as an early intervention tool for men who use intimate partner violence (IPV). The trial consisted of a baseline assessment of eligibility for testing healthy relationship websites. The purpose was to assess whether there was a difference in help-seeking, IPV knowledge and readiness to change between study groups. Participants completed surveys immediately after use of websites, at 3 months and then at 6 months post-baseline data collection.
The Better Man Tool aims to increase men’s early engagement with help-seeking to ultimately reduce use of IPV and is specifically tailored for men in the community and health settings. It is designed to be a private, accessible and non-judgemental space for men. It uses evidence-based techniques to encourage awareness and self-reflection, improve communication skills and promote men’s readiness to change.
From our pilot we know the healthy relationship tool helped some men. Therefore, we are providing the link below to the tool for you to use as a free resource if you wish.
Could you let us know if you do use it or om your website.
Please contact