MySafety (University)


Development of an interactive website for students experiencing or using dating or sexual violence


Project lead

Laura Tarzia (University of Melbourne)



Funded by The University of Melbourne through its Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Grant

What is this project about?

University students are a high-risk group for both dating violence and sexual violence. However, studies suggest that they may not recognise harmful behaviours and do not seek help.

MySafety was originally developed at The University of Melbourne in close consultation with a diverse group of students and other stakeholders. It was launched in early 2020. Subsequent adaptations have been created for Janet Clarke Hall (independent residential college at The University of Melbourne) and James Cook University QLD in 2021.


What did the project achieve?

The project developed MySafety, a website for university students experiencing or using dating or sexual violence, or students concerned about a friend. The website is aimed at a diverse range of students who are:

·       Worried about unhealthy or violent behaviour from their partner in a relationship;

·       Worried about their own behaviour in a relationship;

·       Worried about a sexual experience or;

·       Concerned about a friend’s relationship or a friend’s sexual experience.

The website contains interactive elements that can help students reflect on their relationship and assess whether things that are happening might be abusive, understand the complexities around sex and consent; find out the pros and cons of accessing different forms of support; and make a decision about what to do next. It also contains contact details and links to different services both on and off campus that students can get in touch with for further help and support.

MySafety is completely anonymous in order to maximise student trust and protect their privacy.

MySafety has been designed for the Australian university context and was developed in close consultation with diverse students at The University of Melbourne, paying careful attention to language and “look and feel”.

The website won silver in the DrivenXDesign Melbourne Design Awards. (for the web design by company Avenue Digital).

Go to MySafety website