About the research team
Liz McLindon
Liz McLindon is a Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne and The Royal Women’s Hospital of 20 years’ experience. In addition to her research work, Liz works as a Counsellor/Advocate at the Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA House). Liz is leading and coordinating The REACH Project.
Jen Hargrave
Jen has extensive experience leading Women with Disability Victoria’s representation on committees, inquiries and research groups with a focus on prevention of and responses to violence against women with disabilities. Jen is a Senior Policy Officer at Women with Disabilities Victoria. Jen is the Accessible Research lead for The REACH Project.
Amy Webster
Amy is a researcher, writer and policy analyst with significant experience in advocacy, consultation and law reform. Amy is the Policy and Advocacy Lead at Sexual Assault Services Victoria. Amy will be leading the consultations and focus groups with practitioners for The REACH Project.
Kathleen Maltzahn
Kathleen has worked on family and sexual violence in Australia and internationally for over thirty years. She has held senior management roles in Victorian sexual and family violence services, been an expert trainer on sexual violence and taught University and TAFE courses about Family Violence. Kathleen is the Chief Executive Officer at Sexual Assault Services Victoria. Kathleen is an expert specialist sector consultant for The REACH Project.
Mandy McKenzie
Mandy is a researcher and social worker with 20 years’ experience in Victorian domestic violence, sexual violence and women’s health services. Mandy is a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. She has significant experience in undertaking interviews, focus groups and qualitative research analysis. Mandy will be the main interviewer for The REACH Project.
Laura Tarzia
Laura is an Associate Professor and Co-Lead of the Sexual And Family ViolencE (SAFE) research program at the University of Melbourne. Laura is a world-leading researcher on the topics of understanding the context and dynamics of sexual and family violence and improving early engagement and response via health settings and online. Laura provides project governance
and oversight for The REACH Project.