Survivor Digital Stories

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***Warning*** Viewing these digital stories may be upsetting or difficult. They may bring up some things for you from your own experience. We suggest trying a grounding exercise which is used by many who have lived experience of trauma to aid connection to the present, to their body and to themselves whenever trauma disconnects them.

If you share an office or are viewing these at home you may choose to use headphones.

Survivor Digital Stories

Here are a range of digital stories told by women. Digital stories are first-person, multimedia projects created by people without any professional media experience. They are produced in a workshop setting, with trained staff guiding participants through a process of autobiographical writing, audio recording, selecting music and images, and digital compilation. Participants found the process challenging, but ultimately positive, reporting that it made them feel listened to and valued. For many, it helped to transform the pain into something creative and aided their journey towards recovery.

Beneath the Surface

Eight health care professionals shared their personal stories about how family violence has impacted them as a health care professional and what supports they would like to see for workers. These videos are useful to accompany family violence training for clinical staff.

Beyond Silence

Six women share their experiences of intimate partner sexual violence and what has helped them on their journey towards safety and well-being. These videos are useful to understand the impact of sexual violence on health and what helps women recover.

The WITH Study

Four women share their stories about accessing help for sexual violence and mental health problems. These videos are useful to understand how to promote a trauma-informed organisational model of care, for implementation into mental health and sexual violence services. For more information on The WITH study, click here.


Survivor Digital Stories Access Form

To access the survivor stories, please fill in the Survivor Stories Access Form below. We use this information to gain an understanding of who views these videos. We do not share this information.