Project: Identifying people who have used domestic and family violence


A mixed methods evaluation of a training module to support GPs to identify and respond to patients who have used domestic and family violence

Thank you for your interest in participating in this interview. The following provides you with information about the interview, so that you can decide if you would like to take part or not.

Please take the time to read this information carefully.

About this project

This study aims to evaluate general practitioners’ (GPs) perspectives of an online training module to support clinicians in identifying and responding to patients who have used domestic or family violence. We want to identify whether the training module increases GPs’ readiness to ask about, assess and intervene in instances where a patient has used domestic or family violence.

 We also want to learn more about ongoing barriers and facilitators for GPs to identify and response to patients’ use of violence. This will help us to develop training that better meet GPs’ needs.   

What will I be asked to do?

You are invited to take part in a 30–45-minute, one-on-one interview with a researcher. The interview will be recorded. You will be asked questions about your experiences of working with patients who have used domestic or family violence, and your experiences of the training module you have taken part in. The interview is not to assess your clinical practice, but to help us to understand what support general practitioners need in order to feel better ready and able to identify and respond to patients who use domestic and family violence.

What are the possible benefits?

Participating in this project will help us to understand what training and support GPs feel they need in order to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to identify and respond to patients who have used violence against their partners or families. This may be helpful in developing future training modules that will better support your needs and the needs of other GPs.

What are the possible risks?

We understand that discussing issues around domestic and family violence may be distressing for some participants. You can choose not to answer any questions you find difficult or distressing, or to withdraw from the study. At the bottom of this information sheet are contact details for organisations you can contact for support if you experience distress in discussing these issues.

Safety and privacy

All information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Any data collected will be stored securely and disposed of after 5 years according to the University of Melbourne guidelines. After 5 years, data will be deleted from all computers, hard drives, and servers. None of the information collected will be used to assess an individual general practitioners’ practice..

Do I have to take part?

No. Participation is completely voluntary. You can withdraw (quit) at any time by notifying the project team.
In order to participate in this interview, you need to provide your consent via the consent link on this page.

What will happen to information about me?

All the information about you will be de-identified (name and other identifying details removed) and only the researchers will know whose information it is. All data will be stored securely at the Department of General Practice (password protected files, encrypted storage, and locked filing cabinets). All the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential (subject to any legal requirement to disclose by a court). Key findings and outcomes of this project may be used to inform ongoing development of training resources for clinicians working with patients who have used violence against their intimate partners or families. It may also be used in future publications and presentations. A lay summary of the research findings will be sent to all participants after the study has concluded.

Who is funding this project?

This project is being funded by a grant from the RACGP, and the Elizabeth and Ross Hindmarsh Family Violence Research Fund Scholarship.


Your Consent

In order to participate in this interview, you need to provide your consent HERE


Project Team

Responsible Researcher:
Professor Kelsey Hegarty
Contact Person:
Dr Libby Dai
M: 0420 757 465  


Will I hear about the results of this project?

If you would like to receive a copy of the summary report, please contact:

Kelsey Hegarty
P: +61 3 8344 4992

The findings of this study will also be published on this website.

Where can I get further information?

If you would like more information about the project, please contact the researcher Dr. Libby Dai on 0420 757 465 or at

Who can I contact if I have any concerns about the project?

This project has been approved by:
Human Research Ethics Committee, The University of Melbourne (HREC reference 2021-21848-19771-3)
If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this research project, which you do not wish to discuss with the research team, you should contact:
Manager, Human Research Ethics, Research Ethics and Integrity, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010.
P: +61 3 8344 2073 or
All complaints will be treated confidentially. In any correspondence please provide the name of the research team or the name or ethics ID number of the research project.

Where can I access support in relation to intimate partner and family violence?

If you need support because:

  • you have experienced or used domestic or family violence visit our Resources and Support page. or

  • of distress related to working with patients who have experienced or used DFV, you can access:

Victorian Doctors’ Health Program:
(03) 9280 8712 or
Free, confidential service for doctors in Victoria experiencing stress, distress, mental health problems, substance use problems, or other health issues.

1800 737 732 or
National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.